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外国人眼中的“中国白”|考古眼光中的“中国白” (五)——何翠媚

来源:   发布时间:2021-11-01 11:03:00



由柯玫瑰(Rose Kerr)、约翰•盖尔(John Ayers)所著《中国白——德化白瓷》(Blanc de Chine—porcelain from Dehua)于2002年经新加坡亚洲文明博物馆出版,是继唐纳利《中国白——福建德化瓷》之后的一本专门研究德化白瓷的专著,影响甚为深远。

该书收录的都为国外研究德化白瓷的知名学者所撰写德化白瓷研究资料。包括柯玫瑰的“德化器物款识介绍”,海蒂(Heidi Tan)的“鉴赏家探访”,约翰•盖尔的“中国白的影响”,何翠媚(Chuimei Ho)的“考古眼光中的中国白”,郭勒逊(Kenson Kwok)的“德化雕塑结构的一点看法”, 埃娃•施特勒伯(Eva Strober)的“德累斯顿的斯特朗大帝收藏的德化瓷”,以及附录介绍等七个部分,从不同角度介绍了德化白瓷。与此同时,该书收录的160件德化窑精品,为Hickley家藏,后捐赠给新加坡亚洲文明博物馆,是了解、品鉴、研究德化白瓷不可多得的艺术精品。


Blanc de Chine in archaeological perspective:
a tribute to Donnelly by Chuimei Ho

考古眼光中的“中国白” (五)——何翠媚


Not only were there many blanc de Chine pieces on board the Vung Tau wreck, but the many identical pieces also suggest- a regular assemblage of merchandise for a stable market. The Islamic motifs on some of the blue-and-white wares suggest that part of the Vung Tau cargo was probably intended for Muslim clientele. Unlike the Hatcher cargo, the Vung Tau wre carried articles which appear to have been for a larger group of customers.


The southeast Asia Market for blanc de Chine ware continued to thrive in the early nineteenth century and later. The Tek Sing that went down in 1822 near Java carried a small portion of blanc de Chine ware among the many blue-and-white pieces from Dehua and Jingdezhen. The blanc de Chine inventory of the Tek Sing cargo is very different from those of the seventeenth century. There were fewer fancy items like lions, tripods, wine cups, or immortal figurines. Instead the majority are utilitarian wares. The sales catalogue shows a square vase, many identical figurines of small boys with dashes of blue pigment, round boxes, lidded bowls, with moulded designs, bowls, and spoons that are likely to be white ware made in Dehua.


Even though the original consumers of blanc de Chine items in Southeast Asian collections cannot always be identified, the presence of the ware in places like Jakarta must to some extent reflect the presence of a regional market. The current evidence argues that before the rise of the European market for blanc de Chine in the early eighteenth century, Southeast Asia was the major export market for the ware in the second half of the seventeenth century That Asian market was mature enough to commission particular designs. We will no doubt learn a lot more about differences in regional/ethnic markets for ancient blanc de Chine ware as more archaeological evidence becomes available.


Blanc de Chine would have remained an obscure field in the study of historical ceramics had it not been for Donnelly who set the foundation for Western scholars, and Xu Benzhang who spent his whole career salvaging and documenting kiln evidence. Although these two scholars never met, the Hickley collection and this catalogue have brought their spirits together.


Chuimei Ho is an independent scholar who is interested in ceramic archaeology in Asia.


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