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外国人眼中的“中国白”|美国作家Robert H. Blumenfield笔下的何朝宗

来源:   发布时间:2022-10-05 16:03:00








——美国作家Robert H. Blumenfield笔下的何朝宗(一)

美国作家Robert H. Blumenfield(普孟斐)曾于20世纪九十年代到访德化,在他所著《Blanc de Chine—— the Great Porcelain of Dehua 》(《中国白:伟大的德化瓷器》,Ten Speed Press出版社,2002年第1版)一书中,有以下一段记述:

“Perhaps the most emblematic moment of my entire trip occurred at the Dehua porce-lain museum.In the entrance hall there stood a huge statue of the master,He Chaozong. Imagine the effect on me when I saw that statue. As a collector of blanc de Chine, my visit to Dehua was like a Muslim's visit to Mecca. And now I found myself gazing upon a larger-than-life reproduction of the greatest blanc de Chine creator of all.”(“也许我整个行程中最具有象征意义的时刻发生在我参观德化陶瓷博物馆的时候。博物馆门厅里伫立着一尊何朝宗的巨大雕像。——何朝宗,最伟大的陶瓷艺术大师!想象一下,当我看到那座雕像时的感受。作为一个中国白的收藏家,我对德化的访问就像一个穆斯林对麦加的朝觐!现在,我发现自己正在凝视着一位中国白最伟大的创造者的大型造像。”)(德化陶瓷博物馆旧址位于德化县东大路醒龙桥头——编者注)





“He Chaozong is considered the greatest maker of Dehua figures who ever lived.Chinese scholars today believe that He lived from around 1522 to 1612,but I believe these dates to be inaccurate.First,if they are correct,it means that He lived ninety years,a remarkable lifes pan for an individual of that era,given medical and hygienic practices of the time.Second,I have located a rare,dated Guanyin with a He mark on the back.If the piece is accepted as a work by He,then given its 1618 date,this indicates that He was working later into the seventeenth century than previously believed.

何朝宗被认为是德化历史上最伟大瓷塑家。今天的中国学者认为他生活在1522年至1612年之间 (在中国学术杂志《文物》里,有一个关于窑址的旁注上,提供了何的生卒年大约在1522年至1612年) ,但我认为这些日期不准确。首先,如果他们是正确的,这意味着他活了90岁,考虑到当时的医疗和卫生水平,这是一个非凡的寿命。第二,我找到了一个罕见的、年代久远的观音,背面有‘何’的标记。如果这件作品是一件真正的何朝宗作品,那么根据它1618年的日期,这表明他创作的时间一直持续到17世纪,比之前断定的时间要迟。”


“In his childhood,He was surrounded by porcelain manufacturing and he learned the trade from the local masters.In his youth,he excelled at the creation of statues of Immortal sand Buddhas for palaces and temples.Some of his best-known figures from this period include a Guanyin at Bixiang Rock in Dehua,a minister in Xiawei Palace,a large figure in Chengtian Temple,and the Little Devil in Dongyue Temple.One also finds examples of He’s work in the collection of the Palace Museum in Beijing and in leading private collections and museums in Europe;very few are in the United States. He absorbed various design school’s techniques of clay modeing wood tooling and stone carving and combined them into his own method,which became known as the He School. He is said to have estab-lished a kiln at Hoa-so,which was operated by his family after his death.


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